My ways…

…are higher declares the Lord Isaiah 55:8-9

The never-ending road of “firsts”

Almost a year ago to the day Chris and I were marveling at the fact that we had one heading to college and one headed to kindergarten.  We  were not sure if we were old or young.  There was the feeling of accomplishment that one child had survived our parenting and the comfort that we could fix all our mistakes with the last one.

Now as this school year approaches I find myself thinking of last year a lot.  It wasn’t that Chris actually did any of the school shopping or enrollment…that was my stress.  But you could count on him to be there for the first day if anyone needed him to be.  He was the one that helped them find their lockers and a good route to get to their classes.  He was the one who took Emma on her first day right to the class and made sure she got her back pack hung and found her table…I even think he hung around for a bit…not sure if that was for him or Emma.  He was the one who got Ryan’s college room all set up and helped him find where all his classes would be.  I find myself wondering how each of my kids are going to handle this up coming year.  They are different.  Their lives have changed drastically.  I wonder how they are going to handle activities that require a Dad to be there.  I wonder how I’m going to handle it.  I think it’s gonna be hard.  Another one of those “firsts” hurdles that always seem to be in front of us.

It seems like yesterday that my oldest was headed to college…it seems like yesterday that my youngest was starting kindergarten.  It seems like yesterday that he was here.  So thankful that I didn’t know last year, that I would be marking “single parent” on the enrollment forms instead of “married”, this year.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14


  1. Kim S.

    I think it’s precious that you have those pictures…thanks for sharing these moments.

  2. Good writing, Nicole. I, too, am thankful that I did not know some things before they happened.

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